Kim Earp2024-05-06T15:08:13-07:00An “expungement” under Penal Code §1203.4 allows an individual to withdraw a guilty plea, enter of plea of not guilty, and have the case dismissed. An expungement releases the individual
An “expungement” under Penal Code §1203.4 allows an individual to withdraw a guilty plea, enter of plea of not guilty, and have the case dismissed. An expungement releases the individual
The State of California allows certain individuals to avoid jail time, and in some situations obtain a dismissal of all charges, if they receive treatment for related mental health conditions.
When a judge issues a bench warrant, the police are instructed to take you into custody and bring you to court. The police may track you down to arrest you,
California Penal Code §484(a) defines the crime of “petty theft” as wrongfully taking or stealing someone else’s property when the value of the property is $950 or less. If the
Effective January 1, 2021, the California Senate modified sex registration requirements under Penal Code §290 by creating a three-tiered system. Tier 1 registrants must register for a minimum of 10